Good to Know
How do you accommodate children with allergies?
Food Allergies: Avon Nursery School offers a completely nut-free environment. We distribute detailed nut allergy educational materials to all families in our programs.Parents are provided with a list of safe snacks, and the teachers actively check the ingredients in all snacks before serving. Children with different or multiple food allergies may bring their own snack.
Epi-Pens: Children who need Epi-Pens for allergy emergencies may bring them to school only if: 1. Epi-Pens are in their original packaging and are affixed with pharmacy labels printed with the child’s name. 2. Parents provide the proper documentation and signed releases for staff members to administer the Epi-Pen if necessary. (These forms may be obtained from ANS). 3. Parents provide a small photograph of their child to be affixed to the outside of his/her Epi-Pen bag.
Medication: Other than Epi-Pens that meet the criteria listed above, Avon Nursery School does not administer any medications to children.
Is the entire staff CPR-certified in case of an emergency? Yes.
Recommended Snack List:
We are a NUT-FREE classroom! • Cheese and crackers • Fruit slices • Applesauce • Grapes (cut in half) • Cereal and milk • Yogurt / Go-Gurt • Bagels and cream cheese • Jell-O • Muffins (nut-free) • Raisins • Veggies and dip (please, no carrots) • Graham crackers • Pretzels (please, no rods or nuggets) • Goldfish crackers • Popcorn (not for the 3’s class) Please provide milk or 100% juice with your snack.
How will inclement weather affect my child's schedule?
Avon Nursery School will follow the recommendations of the Avon Public School System. To find about storm closings and delays, please follow this link: Avon Public School Storm Closings ANY delayed opening announced by the Avon Public Schools means that:
When Should I Keep My Child Home From School / Sickness?
Avon Nursery School has guidelines for keeping sick children home to protect the children and the teachers in our school. Please consult the list below where common conditions are listed alphabetically. If you have further questions, please consult with the nursery school director or with your child’s pediatrician.
Exclusion from School List:
Bronchitis: Child may return to school after 2 days of treatment.
Chicken Pox: Child is excluded from school for 7 days. Rash must be scabbed over before a child returns to school.
Conjunctivitis / Pink Eye: Child may return to school after 1 day of treatment or when infection is cleared.
Croup: Child may return to school after 2 days of treatment, unless he/she has a fever. See fever recommendations below.
Diarrhea: Child is excluded from school for 2 days until the condition improves.
Fever: Child may return to school after his/her temperature is below 100 degrees F for 24 hours, unmedicated.
Fifth Disease: Child may attend school, unless he/she has a fever. See fever recommendations above.
Impetigo: Child is excluded from school until the condition has cleared.
Head Lice: Child is excluded from school until the condition is treated and the child is completely cleared of lice and nits.
Pneumonia: Child may return to school after 3 days of adequate treatment.
Scabies: Child may return to school only after adequate treatment and with a note from a physician.
Shingles: Child is excluded from school for 7 days. After 7 days, child may return to school with sores covered and with a note from a physician.
Strep Infections: Child may return to school after 2 days of adequate treatment.
Vomiting: Child is excluded from school for 2 days until the condition improves.